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  • R5 default protected
  • SDS-2023-0219-initial_OGC_intro protected
  • SDS-2024-0141-ogc_ipe_communication_schema
  • gl-pages
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.020Jan4Dec14Nov6417Sep161311527Jun23May1Mar26Feb8Dec19NovUpdate file TS-0041-oneM2M-SensorThings_interworking.mdSDS-2024-0141-o…SDS-2024-0141-ogc_ipe_communication_schemaDeployed 7026842 to v5.0.0 in public with MkDocs 1.6.1 and mike 2.1.3gl-pagesgl-pagesDeployed 2a7da3f to v5.1.0 in public with MkDocs 1.6.1 and mike 2.1.3Update file TS-0041-oneM2M-SensorThings_interworking.mdUpdate file com_flow_2.pngdelete last sentenceoverviewogc_confiintro configconfigpic descriptionwith picscon schema with picstext 6.2Deployed 2a7da3f to v5.1.0 in public with MkDocs 1.6.1 and mike 2.1.3Contribution SDS-2024-0133-TS-0041-SensorThings_interworking-v5_1_0_baseline merged into R5v5.1.0 R5v5.1.0 R5Deployed 7026842 to v5.0.0 in public with MkDocs 1.6.1 and mike 2.1.3Deployed 7026842 to v5.0.0 in public with MkDocs 1.6.1 and mike 2.1.3Deployed 7026842 to v5.0.0 in public with MkDocs 1.6.1 and mike 2.1.3Deployed 7026842 to v5.0.0 in public with MkDocs 1.6.1 and mike 2.1.3Set default version to latest in public with mike 2.1.3Deployed 7026842 to v5.0.0 in public with MkDocs 1.6.1 and mike 2.1.3Typo in fileUpdate of fileEditorial Change: Correction SpellingEditorial changes: Corrected incorrect code for Figures new Basline 5.1.0 after SDS66figure referencechange a figure numberlast editorial changes before mergeMerge branch 'SDS-2024-0064-architecture_model' into 'R5'deleting old textadd a mapping pictureadd new mapping textnew arch overviewUpload New Fileadd chaper 6.2 architecture approachadd last mapping sentence6 and 6.1Data Model Mapping Picture