diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f069c85d239994d7427cda9b474b5563ea2493b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# oneM2M TS-0019 Specification
+This repository hosts the oneM2M TS-0019 specification defined by oneM2M Partnership project.
+## Available versions
+All available baselines produced from this repository are available at [TS-0019-baselines](https://specifications.onem2m.org/ts-0019/) (**URL available only if there is at least one baseline**)
+## How to raise issues
+Please report errors, bugs or other issues [here](https://git.onem2m.org/specifications/ts-0019/issues) or [here](https://git.onem2m.org/issues/issues).
+## How to contribute
+oneM2M permits the use of Gitlab to manage contributions to this specification.
+For more information, visit the [oneM2M Gitlab contribution procedure](https://git.onem2m.org/tools/contribution-procedure).
+## Available tools
+A set of tools is used by this repository to facilitate the contribution management:
+- Autogeneration of Word CR documents:
+    - Upon creation of a Merge Request, a pipeline is executed to produce the associated Word CR document that contains the tracked changes proposed by the Merge Request.
+    - Right after creation of a Merge Request, the source branch is protected in order to avoid any further change to the submitted contribution
+- Publication of a new baseline
+    - Upon creation of tag, a Word document will be generated from the markdown specification in this repository and published at the [TS-0019 specifications](https://specifications.onem2m.org/ts-0019/)
+    - As Table of Content is not used in the markdown specfication document of this repository. A tool will generate the ToC and add it to the any new published baseline.
+Please, refer to [Tools/Scripts repository](hhtps://git.onem2m.org/tools/scripts) for more details.
+Some known issues:
+- Generation of Word CR:
+    - Additions/deletions of images will not appear as tracked change in the Word CR
+    - Additions/deletions of a list of elements will make the list appearing as not enumerated in the Word CR
+    - Changes in the first row of a table will break the conversion of such table to Word, the markdown table source code will be seen
+    - Changes in clause titles will break the conversion of corresponding headings to Word, the markdown heading code will be seen