* Copyright Notification
* No part of this document may be reproduced, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, except as authorized by written permission.
* The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.
* © 2016, oneM2M Partners Type 1 (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TIA, TSDSI, TTA, TTC).
* All rights reserved.
* @author ETSI
* @version $URL: $

Miguel Angel Reina Ortega
* $Id: OneM2M_Pixits.ttcn 99 2016-06-09 15:04:43Z reinaortega $
* @desc Module containing Pixits for oneM2M
module OneM2M_Pixits {
import from XSD all;
modulepar boolean PX_DELETE_CREATED_RESOURCES := true;
modulepar charstring PX_RESOURCE_TO_BE_DELETED := "/ae_test";
modulepar XSD.IDREFS PX_RESOURCES_TO_BE_DELETED := {"/ae_test", "/MyAcp"};
modulepar charstring PX_HOST_ADDRESS := "";
modulepar charstring PX_XML_NAMESPACE := "om2m=""""";
modulepar charstring PX_CSE_NAME := "in-cse";
modulepar charstring PX_URI_CSE := "/~/in-cse";
modulepar boolean PX_UNSTRUCTURED := false;
modulepar charstring PX_AE_ID_STEM := "admin:admin";
modulepar charstring PX_APP_ID := "myAppId";
modulepar boolean PX_RUN_POSTAMBLE := true;
modulepar ListOfURIs PX_ACOR := {"*"};

Miguel Angel Reina Ortega
modulepar AddressingFormat PX_ADDRESSING_FORMAT := e_cseRelative;
modulepar charstring PX_SERIALIZATION := "JSON";
modulepar charstring PX_PROTOCOL_BINDING := "HTTP";
modulepar boolean PX_ACP_SUPPORT := true;

Miguel Angel Reina Ortega
modulepar charstring PX_CSE_ID := "in-cse";
modulepar boolean PX_FROM_IS_AE_ID := false;
} // end of module