TC_AE_*: AE fields are expected but not required as present in the match
f_generateLocalResource is accessing the missing field aE.app_ID (issue valid also for other fields like aE.requestReachability)
v_myResource.aE.app_ID := valueof(p_resource.aE.app_ID);
This access produces testcase error in case that these fields are not covered properly.
Example TC_AE_SUB_NTF_001: when the Upper Tester produces a wrong payload: e.g. {"m2m:ae":{}}
then the test case produces an error: invalid argument to valueof: omit is not a value.
If the matching will be more strict than mw_createAe
(which accepts AE_optional), it could have remove this issue producing the desired verdict fail.
The issue is observed on Release2 branch in a large number of AE test cases. (e.g. AE_REG_CRE_002)